As a multitasking small business Phone Number List owner, you're probably so excited to start social network marketing on Twitter, Plurk, YouTube or Facebook etc etc that you open an account in each of these and start tweeting, plurking, and posting status updates. Yes, that happens to most of us newbies. However, what we all fail to see is that like in real life, it's simply impossible to be active in all social networking sites at once. And because you can't...
When we multitask, sometimes the Phone Number List quality of our work is sacrificed. That is also how it's like when we straddle two social Phone Number List networks at one time. The trick is to focus on only one. Know all the ins and outs of that network. Build your fan base there. Engage your followers, post regular updates, run a contest. Once you have established a strong fan base, you can rest easy and let someone else take over while you build another base in another social network.
If you have a brand ambassador, it Phone Number List helps to have that person moderate or manage your social media profile by posting status updates, asking a question, or running a contest. Find a person that your fans can relate to. People don't easily trust a brand unless they are familiar with the person behind the logo. Don't be a put-on. Your fans will know if you're faking it. Social media is all about engaging people, getting to know them, and sharing your thoughts-building relationships. You can't build a relationship based on something that isn't real.