For comparison, 200 years would RS gold be an incredibly long time in order to reach a proficiency of 99. This degrades in combat. Not just wearing it. It doesn't change the stats slowly. They are good and then the numbers stop when they range from 25% to 0%. I'm not sure why you are paying more for an inferior piece of armour because you have to spend tiny sums of money every 15 hours of battle. Dragon platebodies' reason for being so expensive has nothing to have anything to do with their usefulness is that they're hard to come by.
If not, I'll be buying a Bgs, then an d claw with any money left over... After that, the remainder of the cash goes to levels mage, pray summ, or herby. Ndy: Got 90 Str today.. I wont be training that for a while.. At least until I'm able to get 85 def as well as 90 atk. (From 80 and 85 respectively ..), and 70 range). Maybe even veng l0l..
At that point, I'd have one of buy Runescape gold those crs. I can afford Sarasword simple.. Alrdy have full torags in addition to full veracs to use when I pump my tank (full inv of 3 sharks and the rest of the super sets and ppots to pray offence throuought..)