Of course, with this invasion, the western left is faced with serious dilemmas. I will only deal with two of them here: how to support the Ukrainian resistance - and this inevitably implies, in my view, support for the supply of weapons and other equipment to the Ukrainian army, given the incomparable superiority of the Russian army - by denouncing the arms mobile phone number list industry in general and the announced increase in military budgets? How can we support Ukrainian refugees and rejoice in the momentum of civil society in this regard, recalling the treatment inflicted for decades on non-white refugees fleeing conflicts that do not directly affect the European continent,
without falling into a position that consists, from the position of a western militant, in pointing the finger at the «privileged refugee » ? Among the mobile phone number list arguments mentioned by the left to oppose the provision of weapons, there are three broad categories. The first, it seems, refers to the concern to limit the conflict to Ukraine. The left, like the right, is afraid of inciting Russia to extend the conflict, acknowledging without saying so mobile phone number list that the West could legitimately sacrifice Ukraine to preserve peace in the “ civilized world ” .
Despite the great declarations of support, the United States remains very cautious on this issue, rejecting not only the concession of the No fly zone, which would involve Western coalition planes shooting down Russian planes, but also the provision mobile phone number list of fighter jets requested by the Ukrainian government. Indeed, it seems more than prudent to make a clear distinction between the direct involvement of NATO countries in the war against Russia and the supply of defensive weapons to the Ukrainian army.