Many brands, when they first approach Google AdWords , just buy a bunch Image Manipulation of keywords related to their industry... and then are surprised by the lack of results. Don't be one of them! Before jumping into the pool, you need to do Image Manipulation your homework and spend time planning your campaign. Think about what your ideal audience looks like, what their search habits are, and how you can solve their problem.
Your ROI expectations are unrealistic Image Manipulation Google AdWords is one of the most measurable marketing solutions... but that doesn't mean you'll automatically achieve your goals. You need to be conservative when estimating your costs per click and conversion Image Manipulation rate, or you will find that the reality is not up to your plans. On the other hand, the good news is that some aspects of AdWords ROI are often overlooked . When calculating the results, you must Image Manipulation take into account factors such as repeated purchases by the same customer or the impact of their recommendations to acquaintances. 4) Your landing pages do not convert Finding the Image Manipulation optimal keywords is only half the problem.
When they click on a Google AdWords ad , users will land on Image Manipulation your landing page, so if you don't want them to go back where they came from, you better be persuasive. Try these tricks: Explain your offer in the first 3 seconds. Make sure that what you Image Manipulation offer fits perfectly with what the user has searched for. Make the following steps very clear to become a client. 5) You forgot about retargeting The average conversion ratio in AdWords ranges from 0.05 to 5%. That means a lot of clicks get lost along the way, but you can capture them thanks Image Manipulation to retargeting. In particular, if you have an ecommerce, don't miss out on the possibilities of dynamic retargeting to offer personalized ads for each product.